

Business Trips
-department stores
-sightseeing (touristic places)
-departure lounge (patient room)
-car park (EUA)
-parking lot (England)
-land (airplane go down)
-conference room

BUILDING – Road map

Describe position
Pern station
You will see
Past Marcy’s
Just across
Main entrance on
Give me a call
On your left
Next corner on left
A cross from

Give direction
Come out of
Walk up
Turn left
Take the third right onto
Go Street a read
You turn
Go straight on down
Cross Broadway

 When you come out of the building you walk up to 24th street, turn right going to Herald Square street, you Will past Marcy’s and turn left and main entrance on your second right. Go onto Perm Station.

Homework Carol’s
When you come out of Vila Clarice Station, on state Agenor Couto de Magalhães avenue, turn the left and walk in until you past the Centro Esportivo Educacional, and turn left again, walk up Mutinga avenue, when you arrive on Boulevart bakery, on third signal post, turn the first left onto, till on soccer field on corner, left over again, you walk up to José Queiroz dos Santos street number 343 onto to Primeira Igreja Batista em Pirituba.

Service timetable:
Sunday at 06:30 p.m.          And           Wednesday at 08:00 p.m.


1 one                     11 eleven                  21 twenty-one
2 two                     12 twelve                 22 twenty-two
3 three                   13 thirteen                23 twenty-three
4 four                    14 fourteen                24 twenty-four
5 five                     15 fifteen                   25 twenty-five
6 six                      16 sixteen                  26 twenty-six
7 seven                  17 seventeen             27 twenty-seven
8 eight                   18 eighteen                28 twenty-eight
9 nine                    19 nineteen                29 twenty-nine
10 ten                   20 twenty                   30 thirty

40 fourty
50 fifty
60 sixty
70 seventy
80 eighty
90 ninety
100 a/one hunfred
1.000 a/one thousand
1.000.0 00 a/one million


1st  first
2nd second
3rd third
4th fourth
5th fifth
6th sixth
7th seventh
8th eighth
9th ninth
10th tenth

11th eleventh
12th twelfth
13th thirteenth
14th  fourteenteh
15th fifteenth
16th sixteenth
17th seventeenth
18th eighteenth
19th  nineteenth
20th twentieth
21st twenty-first

30th thirtieth
40th fourtieth
50th fiftieth
60th sixtieth
70th seventieth
80th eightieth
90th ninetieth
100th one hunfredth
1.000th one thousandth
1.000.0 00th one millionth

564th- Five hundred and sixty-fourth
999th- Nine hundred and ninety-ninth
673rd- Six hundred and seventy-third
652rd- Six hundred and fifty-second
480th- Four hundred and eigthtieth

333rd- Three hundred and thirty-third

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